Bathroom Decorating tips

How often have you looked at your bathroom and wished you could make it better? The bathroom is often the most forgotten area when it comes to designing and decorating. Exposed pipes and ugly tiles need not be the bane of your existence any more. So here are some tips to improve on your bathroom design.

1- Conceal pipes:

If you have exposed pipes in your bathroom, try to cover it up using tape, paint, or even some wallpaper. You can also cover them with some rope or fabric depending on where the pipes are located.

2- Change the bath mat:

One of the easiest steps to take care of is to get rid of your boring bath mat for a vibrant and colorful one. You can even add some matching and quirky accessories to the cabinet. This adds more interesting elements in the space.

3- Add plants:

Another easy step to do is to add plants. You can add just one or two to bring in some color, or turn your bathroom into a tropical paradise. You can look for plants that work well with the amount of sunlight in your bathroom. You can also look for plants that like humidity as they will thrive in bathrooms.

4- Add storage:

If your toiletries are all over the bathroom, then you need more storage. Look for easy to add storage options that allow you quick access to everything you need. It makes the bathroom look much nicer and cleaner, and also make all your items easy to find.

5- Redo the walls:

If the retro walls are dimming the whole ambience, think about redoing it Repaint the wall if you can, or look into temporary wallpapers and wall finishes. These can completely change the look of a bathroom in a few steps.


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